Trusted By

No more complex pricing

We promise we won't burden you with unnecessary plans or pricings. We are transparent with our pricing and no hidden fees or setup costs.

Built perfectly
for online paymence

Start accepting Paymence without a website in 3 simple steps.


Sign-up with us and get approved in a day.

Paymence Collection

Sign-in, create and send a quick payment link to your customer through your chosen sales/business platform eg. WhatsApp, Instagram, FB & etc.


Customer pays through the link and your payment will be credited in your bank ASAP with the lowest cost in the industry.

Payment Gateway

Easy Setup

Fast Checkout

Easy Integration

API implementation

Integrate Paymence payment platform on your website and start collecting paymence in no time.

App development

Integrate Paymence payment platform on your mobile app with all payment options.


Ready to use payment platform plugins for WooCommerce. More E-commerce platforms and shopping carts coming soon!

Partners and Payment Method

Why choose Paymence?

Transaction fee

We charge the cheapest fee for FPX and Card transactions in the market.

No subscription fee

We do not charge a monthly subscription fee. Only Pay as you use.

FPX Online Banking & Cards

Rocket your sales by providing multiple payment options for your customers.

Get approved fast

We review and approve merchants in 2 days.